Every time we get into our vehicle to travel, we do tend to make a note of some specifics before starting the trip. These include the fuel level, tyre pressure and maybe the water level in the washer bottle. However, we seldom check for tyre wear-and-tear. Over a long journey, especially one filled with driving over varied terrains, climatic conditions and altitudes, a tyre without proper tread could lead to an accident.

Some might argue that it is impossible to judge how long a tyre would last unless it starts showing canvas. But what if the tyre itself could do some magic and keep you informed about how it is holding up? There are tyremakers, such as Bridgestone, which have such products in their portfolio. Now, however, Bridgestone has taken the same concept and honed it further for broader application.

The Tokyo-based company has developed something called Smart Strain Sensor technology. By installing small sensors within the tyres, the tech helps estimate wheel axle load as well as tyre wear condition. Apart from tracking tyre inflation pressure and temperature, the Smart Strain Senor can also measure the dynamic change in strain while the vehicle is in motion. The real kicker for this technology is that all that information gets collected regardless of the speed of the automobile. As per Bridgestone, this independency makes it suitable for autonomous vehicles which aren’t likely to run at high speeds.

All the collected data gets stored in a cloud. Running analytics on it could lead to new findings on how a particular type of tyre, under what kind of load performs. Such studies will further help companies to improve on tyre-making techniques. No matter how you look at it, this technology will come in handy for both the consumer and the maker. Just by knowing that the tyres are smart enough to keep track of vital data points is plenty for a calmer ownership experience. What do you think?

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Rachit Shad Trehan
A car nutter by heart. A hopeless engineer by education. Gunning for one goal - simplify cars.

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